
Manchester, VT


The Wilburton Inn is located in the heart of the Green Mountains in Manchester, Vermont. It’s address is 257 Wilburton Drive, Manchester, VT 05254

By Car

GPS Address: 257 Wilburton Drive, Manchester, VT

(Even though you’re just gonna put it in your GPS)…The Wilburton Inn is located less than 4 hours from New York City by car, accessible via the scenic Taconic Parkway or the NY State Thruway. If you are driving north on the Rt 7 highway, take the Arlington exit towards Manchester Village. From Historic Rt 7A, make a right turn onto River Road, and then proceed up the hill to Wilburton Drive.

Click here for directions

By Plane

The closest airport is Albany International Airport in Albany, NY, which is approximately a 90-minute drive to Manchester, Vermont. If you choose to fly into Albany, we highly recommend renting a car in advance.

Alternatively, you have other options such as Burlington International Airport in Burlington, VT (a scenic 2 and a half-hour drive), Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT (2 and a half-hour drive, larger selection of flights, including some international), or Boston Logan International Airport in Boston, MA (3 and a half-hour drive).

Where to Stay

Guesthouses and Hotels

We have a couple guest houses (mostly for close family) on site. We’ll forward the links to those staying here this week. There is also a range of other hotels nearby, depending on your vibe.


3835 Main Street
Manchester, VT 05255
+1 802 362 01475
1.5 miles from venue

Quintissential VT inn


2220 Depot Street
Manchester Center, VT 05255
+1 802 362 1711
2.4 miles from venue

60s style motor inn


3967 Main Street
Manchester, VT 05255
+1 802 362 1793
4.6 miles from venue


or, check out some Airbnbs in the area

What to Do

Activities in the Manchester area

The Green Mountains are beautiful this time of year! We encourage you to explore the area and poke around town if you have the time. We’re happy to give more personalized recommendations if you are interested, just let us know!

Manchester, you say?


Stroll through downtown Manchester to find a variety of local shops, boutiques, restaurants and cafes!